Devilled Black Pudding – Newcastle Eats (Blog)

Devilled Black Pudding: We love a bit of spice so couldn't resist sharing this devilish recipe with you. Originally posted on NewcastleEats, a food and drink blog, author Jeff calls this "the best satisfying brunch ever".

Recipe by


2 People



Club Summary

We love a bit of spice so couldn't resist sharing this devilish recipe with you. Originally posted on Newcastle Eats, a food and drink blog with restaurant reviews for the greatest city in the world (we assume he's talking about Newcastle!...OK, we know he is), author Jeff calls this "the best satisfying brunch ever". For brunch, after a night on the pop, we wouldn't disagree!

Recipe Credit:


Devilled Black Pudding – Newcastle Eats (Blog)


For the Sauce


  1. Add your onion to a medium-hot pan with a pinch of salt, add your crushed garlic, and cook until softened.
  2. Add the brown sugar, and stir, it will come together like a thick paste.
  3. Increase the heat and add the red wine vinegar, and reduce it ever so slightly. Then add the rest of the ingredients and stir them in. If you want to be really devilish, add a few more splashes of Tabasco. Leave on a gentle heat until ready to serve.
  4. Grill or fry the black pudding for a couple of minutes on each side (to how you like it).
  5. Meanwhile, poach or fry your eggs, it's your choice - or try a duck egg for an extra rich flavour!
  6. Toast the sourdough bread.

To Serve:
Place the toasted bread on the plate. Top with the black pudding, sauce, then the egg(s). Sprinkle with parsley (if desired).

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