Buttered Pink Trout with Black Pudding and Mustard Foam | Nigel Haworth

A sophisticated fish starter created by Michelin Star chef Nigel Haworth. With a creamy mustard sauce, succulent butter-poached Rainbow Trout and crispy fried onion rings, this elegant dish offers plenty in terms of both texture and flavour.

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Club Summary

A sophisticated fish starter created by Michelin Star chef Nigel Haworth (Culinary Ambassador of Northcote Hotel & Restaurant, Blackburn, Lancashire). With a creamy mustard sauce, succulent butter-poached rainbow trout and crispy fried onion rings, this elegant dish offers plenty in terms of both texture and flavour.

Recipe Credit:


Buttered Pink Trout with Black Pudding and Mustard Foam | Nigel Haworth


For the Buttered Trout

For the Crispy Skin

  • Vegetable Oil, for deep-frying
  • Salt to season

For the Onion Rings

  • 1 Onion, sliced into fine rings
  • Flour
  • Milk
  • 1 pinch of Paprika
  • Salt to season Vegetable Oil, for deep frying

For the Mustard Foam

To Finish


  1. Preheat a steam oven on 100% steam to 100°C.*1
  2. To prepare the crispy fish skin, ensure the skins are completely free of scales. Lay flat in a vacuum bag, ensuring they don’t overlap. Seal with a bar sealer and place in the steam oven for 1 hour, or until soft.
  3. Carefully remove the skins from the bag and lay on a dehydrator mat. Place in a dehydrator tray and dry at 60°C for 3 hours. Store the skins in an airtight container when dry.*2
  4. Carefully pin-bone the fillet of trout. Remove and set aside the skin, then evenly coat the fillet with the salt, sugar, lemon zest and juniper. Leave to marinate for 1 hour.
  5. Preheat a deep-fryer to 140°C.
  6. Fill a small dish with flour and season with salt and a good pinch of paprika. Fill a second dish with milk, dip in the sliced onion then dredge the onion through the flour to coat.
  7. Deep-fry the coated onion rings until golden brown. Remove from the deep-fryer and leave to drain on kitchen paper until required.
  8. For the mustard sauce, combine the chicken stock and wine together in a pan and heat until reduced by half. Add the cream to the pan, stirring thoroughly, and continue to simmer until reduced by half again.
  9. Add a little mustard and mix well, adding more bit-by-bit according to taste. Blitz the sauce with a hand blender until foamy and season well, keeping warm until ready to serve.
  10. Preheat a deep-fryer to 190°C.
  11. Fry the fish skins until puffed up and crispy then drain on kitchen paper to remove any excess oil. Season with salt.
  12. Preheat a water-bath to 52°C.*3
  13. Carefully wash the marinade from the trout and cut the fillet into 4 even pieces. Place each piece of trout into an individual vacuum bag with 10g of the melted butter, then seal in a chamber sealer and cook for 8 minutes.*3
  14. Meanwhile, heat a little oil in a frying pan over a medium heat. Break the black pudding into chunks and fry until it begins to crisp up.

To Serve: Place a few pieces of black pudding into the centre of each plate. Remove the trout from the bag, drain away the butter and break the fish into chunks. Scatter over the black pudding and garnish with the onion rings, nettle leaves and crispy skin.

Recipe Notes

We may be in the 21st century, mod cons and all, but this combination of kitchen goodies are generally only in the homes of the most enthusiastic home cook.

  1. Steam Oven There are a couple of alternatives to try;
    a. Use a Food Steamer - prepare the fish skin as above and place in the steamer. Cook until soft.
    b. Steam in the oven - Put some aluminium foil in a roasting tin, covering the base and overlapping the sides, and place a wire tray on top. Add some water to the tin, just enough to cover the base. Prepare the fish skin as above and place on top of the wire tray. Fold in and seal the foil, leaving a gap at either end to allow steam to escape. Place in a pre-heated oven, 90°C and cook until soft.
  2. Dehydrator Again, there are a couple of alternatives to try;
    a. Conventional oven - place the cooked fish skins on some baking parchment and place in the oven, at the lowest possible temperature, for 4-6 hours. If you don't want to wait that long, heat the oven to 110°C and leave for a shorter period. The result however will not be as good.
    b. Microwave - We've not tried this but believe it can work. A little trial and error is required so we suggest you check this out yourself before you try it on this recipe.
  3. Vacuum Pack | Water Bath This method of cooking, also known as Sous Vide, can still be achieved with a large stock pan, kitchen thermometer and a ziplock plastic bag. For this recipe, simply half fill your pan with water, place on the stove top and bring the water to the required 52°C. Add the trout to the bag with the melted butter. Place in the water with the zip open and top secured by the pan lid. Cook for 8 minutes ensuring the water temperature remains constant. This video by ChefSteps shows you how.

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