
Roast Grouse Black Pudding Crumble
This recipe by André Garrett was published by TheCaterer.com to mark the occasion of 'The Glorious Twelfth' – the name given to 12 August, when the red grouse shooting season begins.
This Roast Woodpigeon recipe is similar in nature and ingredients to André's Roast Grouse dish. A different game bird and the subtle variations in recipe flavours also make it worthy of sharing.
A sophisticated fish starter created by Michelin Star chef Nigel Haworth. With a creamy mustard sauce, succulent butter-poached Rainbow Trout and crispy fried onion rings, this elegant dish offers plenty in terms of both texture and flavour.
This recipe, by Emily Watkins, is a fabulous twist on one of our classic dishes. Using hot suet pastry, a slow-cooked aromatic sage & onion puree and served with homemade crackling this is a fantastic dinner party dish.
Confit Pork Belly Stuffed with Black Pudding by Graham Campbell, the youngest person in Scotland to receive a Michelin star [age of twenty-five], is simply a celebration of the marriage of Pork and Black Pudding!
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