Roast Grouse, Black Pudding Crumble, Sweetcorn, Liver Canapé, Whisky Jus | André Garrett

This recipe by André Garrett was published by to mark the occasion of 'The Glorious Twelfth' – the name given to 12 August, when the red grouse shooting season begins.


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This recipe by André Garrett was published by to mark the occasion of 'The Glorious Twelfth' – the name given to 12 August, when the red grouse shooting season begins.

Recipe Credit:


Roast Grouse, Black Pudding Crumble, Sweetcorn, Liver Canapé, Whisky Jus | André Garrett


For the Grouse

For the Black Pudding Crumble

For the Liver Toast

For the Sweetcorn Pureé

For the Pickled Carrot

For the Buttered Savoy Cabbage

For the Whisky Sauce


  1. Preheat the oven to 160°C / 320F / Gas Mark 3.
  2. Pluck and clean your grouse (or ask your butcher). Once plucked, singe the birds lightly with the blowtorch*2 to take away any unwanted feathers, etc. Debone the legs, wings, wishbone and remove the innards (but keep the hearts and livers for the canapé).
  3. Lay 2 slices of lardo over the breasts of each bird and tie for roasting. Heat a large frying pan with a little oil, season the birds inside and out, and sear the birds slowly all over.
  4. Place in oven and baste every two minutes with the salted butter, crushed garlic, and thyme, for approx. 10 minutes or once the bird is a nice pink colour. Set aside to rest. Remove the breasts and chop the bones for the sauce.
  5. Use the blowtorch to singe the bones and melt the duck fat. Add the legs and allow to confit slowly on a very low heat, being aware not to boil (will take approx. one hour). Let the legs rest and cool in the pan, then remove. Before serving, crisp the legs in a small non-stick pan in the oven at 160° C for about 10 minutes.
  6. Chop the chicken skin until it is a coarse breadcrumb consistency, then peel the black pudding and chop. Heat a small pan and add the pudding with a small whisk. Mix and allow to cook gently on the heat. When dark and crumbly, pour out onto a tray and allow to cool, then mix with the panko and chicken skin. Season and set aside.
  7. Chop all the hearts, livers, and foie gras together. Heat a small frying pan over a medium heat, then add the butter and let it foam. Add the liver mix and sauté quickly. Season and add the chopped thyme. Finally, add the whisky. Slice the baguette lengthways and toast. Spread the liver mix when ready to serve.
  8. Boil the kernels in the stock. Gently toast the curry powder over a low flame. Add the kernels and cook gently until well cooked. Then drain the stock and add the kernels to the blender. Blend well. Whilst still hot, add the cream and butter and continue to blend until smooth and thick. Remove the pureé, check the seasoning and pass through a fine sieve. Set aside and keep covered until needed.
  9. With a mandoline*3, slice the carrots lengthways into thin strips. Bring water, white vinegar, and sugar to a boil and pour over the carrots. Leave them to pickle and cool (preferably for 2 hours).
  10. Remove the stalk of the cabbage and break it into leaves. Cut into 1cm strips. Warm the butter in a medium pan and add the cabbage when just foaming. Move gently around so as not to burn, and season as it cooks. Drain after 3-4 minutes, set aside, and keep warm.
  11. In a large pan, roast the vegetables until coloured then add the spice, thyme, and the chopped carcasses and trimmings. Deglaze with a little water and reduce. Glaze the bones over and, once dry, add half the whisky and glaze again. Then add the elderberry vinegar and glaze again. Add the stock, bring to the boil, skim and turn down the heat. Let this simmer gently for an hour or so to extract all the flavours, then strain to a smaller pan and reduce to the consistency needed, coating the back of a spoon. Season to taste and finally strain again. Finish with the rest of the whisky and more vinegar if needed. Reheat to serve.

To Serve: Plate up all the elements - we'll leave the presentation style up to you!

Recipe Notes

  1. Lardo - Lardo is a type of salumi, Italian cold meats predominantly made from pork, made by curing strips of fatback with rosemary and other herbs and spices. The most famous lardo is from the Tuscan hamlet of Colonnata, where lardo has been made since Roman times. These days you should find it in most supermarkets, if not try your local deli.
  2. Blowtorch - A guide on 'How to use a Blowtorch' by the professionals at Great British Chefs.
  3. Mandoline - A mandoline is basically a cooking utensil for cutting and slicing fruit and vegetables. The mandoline cuts/slices, uniformly, in several widths and thicknesses. Slices can be very thin, and be made very quickly, with significantly less skill and effort than would be required if cutting with a knife or other blade. However, be careful when you use it - you won't want to add your finger(s) to the dish you are making!!

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