Grilled Black Pudding with Foie Gras, Apple & Vanilla Chutney | Andrew Pern

Black Pudding with Foie Gras is one of Andrew Pern's signature dishes at his Michelin star restaurant 'The Star Inn' on the edge of the North Yorkshire moors.

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This is one of Andrew's signature dishes at his Michelin star restaurant at 'The Star Inn' on the edge of the North Yorkshire Moors. Whilst foie gras*1, like black pudding, can be a contentious food source for many, if it's on your favourites list then this dish is always likely to be a first choice starter.

Recipe Credit:


Grilled Black Pudding with Foie Gras, Apple & Vanilla Chutney | Andrew Pern


For the Apple & Vanilla Chutney

For the Scrumpy Reduction

For the Black Pudding, Foie Gras & Apple

To Finish

  • 20g Watercress, washed & trimmed
  • A splash of good quality Extra-virgin Olive Oil, for dressing
  • Salt & Freshly Ground Black Pepper to season

A couple of Sprigs of Thyme, for garnish


  1. For the chutney, place all the ingredients into a thick-bottomed pan and reduce down until thickened and starting to caramelise. Allow to cool and set aside in a cool place ready for use. Note: Place the vanilla pod into the pan with everything else to maximise the flavour.
  2. For the reduction, place the apple juice and cider vinegar in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a simmer and allow to reduce by 2/3rds or until 'syrupy'. Set aside and keep warm.
  3. Lightly brush the slices of black pudding with melted butter and grill for 3 to 4 minutes. Whilst this is cooking heat a frying pan, add the remaining butter and pan-fry the apple slices until they soften and start to caramelise. Add the foie gras to the same pan, frying for 1½ minutes on each side.
  4. Just before serving, toss the watercress in a little extra-virgin olive oil and season to taste.

To Serve:

  1. Place five small piles of apple chutney at intervals around the plate; garnish each pile with a sprig of herb.
  2. In the centre of the plate add a few seasoned leaves to form a little ‘salad’.
  3. Drizzle the reduction around the side of the plate. Stack alternatively on the 'salad'; black pudding, foie gras, black pudding.
  4. Top with the slice of caramelised apple.

Serve immediately.

Recipe Notes

  1. Foie Gras
    Foie Gras (a French term for "fatty liver") is a largely French delicacy made of the liver of a duck or goose that has been specially fattened. It is the method by which the birds are fattened that causes the controversy, as they are most often force fed via a feeding tube in a process called 'Gavage'. Whilst it may be eaten in several places around the world, many countries frown upon the production methods and prohibit the import or sale of foie gras. The French are responsible for approx. 75% of total foie gras production with French Law stating "Foie gras belongs to the protected cultural and gastronomical heritage of France."

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