Michelin Star

Grilled Black Pudding with Foie Gras, Apple & Vanilla Chutney
Black Pudding with Foie Gras is one of Andrew Pern's signature dishes at his Michelin star restaurant 'The Star Inn' on the edge of the North Yorkshire moors.
A sophisticated fish starter created by Michelin Star chef Nigel Haworth. With a creamy mustard sauce, succulent butter-poached Rainbow Trout and crispy fried onion rings, this elegant dish offers plenty in terms of both texture and flavour.
Chef Tom Kerridge's Ultimate Breakfast Omelette includes Black Pudding - it would not be the ultimate Omelette without it! The recipe can also be easily tweaked adding any of your favourite breakfast ingredients.
This recipe, by James Mackenzie, is made up of crispy black pudding, beans and langoustine in a creamy sauce, perfectly topped off with a wild garlic crust - all in season for the spring months.
Roast Saddle of Lamb with Spinach & Black Pudding by Galton Blackiston is a great example of combining just a few tasty, quality ingredients to make a beautiful meal.
There are a number of variations of this Scallops, Black Pudding & Cauliflower Purée dish using different purées. Apple, pea and carrot are among the most popular purées and we've added a recipe for each.
Confit Pork Belly Stuffed with Black Pudding by Graham Campbell, the youngest person in Scotland to receive a Michelin star [age of twenty-five], is simply a celebration of the marriage of Pork and Black Pudding!
Meet the Producers; We are returning to Ireland to meet McCarthy’s of Kanturk, a traditional artisan butchers run by Father & Son team, Jack & Tim McCarthy.
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