
Grilled Black Pudding with Foie Gras, Apple & Vanilla Chutney
Black Pudding with Foie Gras is one of Andrew Pern's signature dishes at his Michelin star restaurant 'The Star Inn' on the edge of the North Yorkshire moors.
Chef Matthew Tomkinson turns a humble chicken terrine into something of real magnificence, adding black pudding to the terrine mix and serving with a garden-fresh piccalilli. Taking ingredients from the New Forest as well as the nearby coast and farms, Matthew produces dishes inspired by the location and the local produce.
Chef Andy Bates is a regular contributor to and this is his recipe for Lancashire Tart with Black Pudding, Onion and Bacon.
This dish of Rabbit stuffed with Black Pudding, wrapped in pancetta and served with some lovely mushrooms makes a change to a Rabbit stew / casserole.
Roast Saddle of Lamb with Spinach & Black Pudding by Galton Blackiston is a great example of combining just a few tasty, quality ingredients to make a beautiful meal.
This is one of our homemade recipes adding a black pudding twist to the well documented 'Beetroot Risotto with Goats Cheese' combination. Black pudding works well with both ingredients so is not out of place in this dish adding even more flavour and an additional texture.
A great (slow-cooked) Pork Belly dish often requires some patience but the wait is worth the time and effort. This is a dish by Stephen Terry which featured on the menu of his Abergavenny restaurant earlier in the year.
A recipe from one of our favourite TV chefs Rachel Allen, a light and tasty Black Pudding Soufflé, ideal for a dinner party starter.
This recipe of Chicken breast stuffed with black pudding and herb crumbs, wrapped in bacon, served with a chive sauce and veal jus, on a bed of creamy mash, is sourced from 'Fire' restaurant, in the heart of Dublin City centre.
Chef Tom Kerridge's Scotch risotto uses pearl barley (the main ingredient of Scotch Broth) as its base which, like rice, takes on all the other flavours within the dish, adding a more robust body in so doing. He's combined this with another great Scottish ingredient, Stornoway Black Pudding.
This black pudding recipe from Paul Heathcote is a modern take on a traditional Lancashire dish of hash browns - Black Pudding wrapped in a cheesy potato mix, offset perfectly with the sweetness of caramelised Conference pears.
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