Irish Omelette | Donal Skehan

An Irish Omelette recipe from Donal Skehan, the food writer, food Photographer and TV Presenter which originated from The Pleasures of the Table: Rediscovering Theodora Fitzgibbon.

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Club Summary

Here we have another recipe from Donal Skehan, the food writer, food Photographer and TV Presenter. The recipe originated from The Pleasures of the Table: Rediscovering Theodora Fitzgibbon.

Recipe Credit:


Irish Omelette | Donal Skehan


  • 250g Black Pudding, sliced
  • 4 rashers smoked streaky Bacon, finely sliced
  • 4 Eggs
  • 8 Baby Potatoes, cooked and sliced into 1 cm discs
  • 1 tbsp Butter
  • Small handful of Chives
  • Sea Salt and freshly ground Black Pepper


  1. Fry the bacon and black pudding in a pan and transfer to a separate plate when cooked.
  2. Whisk eggs in a large bowl and add in all of the ingredients.
  3. Bring the pan to a medium heat, add in butter and when butter has melted pour in egg mixture.
  4. Cook the bottom until golden, then put under a hot grill to finish the top.
  5. Season to taste and garnish with chopped chives.

To Serve:
Serve on its own or with some dressed salad leaves.

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