
Grilled Black Pudding with Foie Gras, Apple & Vanilla Chutney
Black Pudding with Foie Gras is one of Andrew Pern's signature dishes at his Michelin star restaurant 'The Star Inn' on the edge of the North Yorkshire moors.
Chef Andy Bates is a regular contributor to FoodNetwork.co.uk and this is his recipe for Lancashire Tart with Black Pudding, Onion and Bacon.
A nicely presented dish, including black pudding of course, with Beluga Lentils (we had not heard of them either), spiced apple and smoked duck. Certainly one to try if we ever figure out where the Lentils hide in the supermarket!
This recipe by André Garrett was published by TheCaterer.com to mark the occasion of 'The Glorious Twelfth' – the name given to 12 August, when the red grouse shooting season begins.
Chef Tom Kerridge's Black Pudding Mash is a simple and easy way to spice up your mashed potato for an extra special mealtime treat. This mash goes really well with pork so why not add it to your roast dinner or serve with some good quality sausages and onion gravy.
Chef Brian Turner's recipe for Chicken Turbigo, a rich, stew-like dish, traditionally made with kidneys which featured on his BBC show Taste of Britain with Janet Street Porter.
This Roast Woodpigeon recipe is similar in nature and ingredients to André's Roast Grouse dish. A different game bird and the subtle variations in recipe flavours also make it worthy of sharing.
This recipe by Paul Hollywood, baker and popular TV personality was shared on his BBC show 'Pies & Puds'. He describes it as "either a poor man’s Wellington, or a posh sausage roll".
This recipe is sourced from ScottishSalmon.com, the 'leading independent Scottish producer of superior salmon'. Local salmon combined with Stornoway Black Pudding makes for a truly Scottish inspired dish!
A sophisticated fish starter created by Michelin Star chef Nigel Haworth. With a creamy mustard sauce, succulent butter-poached Rainbow Trout and crispy fried onion rings, this elegant dish offers plenty in terms of both texture and flavour.
An Irish Omelette recipe from Donal Skehan, the food writer, food Photographer and TV Presenter which originated from The Pleasures of the Table: Rediscovering Theodora Fitzgibbon.
Si & Dave combine Scallops with Bacon, Black Pudding and Colcannon in this recipe featured on their BBC show Hairy Bikers' Best of British, their culinary journey through time to celebrate British food.
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