Bury Black Pudding Superfood Salad | The Bury Black Pudding Company

This recipe sourced from The Bury Black Pudding Company was published after Black Pudding was listed as one of the 'superfoods' for 2016.

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This recipe sourced from The Bury Black Pudding Company was published after Black Pudding was listed as one of the 'superfoods' for 2016.
If you haven't seen it yet, read our article 'Black Pudding 'Superfood' - No, but it's our SUPER food!' to find out what we thought of the listing.

Recipe Credit:


Bury Black Pudding Superfood Salad | The Bury Black Pudding Company


For the Salad

For the Dressing


  1. Cook the quinoa and red rice as per the instructions on the packet.
  2. De-seed the pepper and cut in half, flattening slightly. Lightly smear the skin with olive oil and place under a hot grill until the skin blisters and blackens in places. Remove from the grill and place into a plastic food bag for five minutes, and allow to sweat. Remove from the bag and gently rub the skin to remove. Slice into strips.
  3. Cut the Bury Black Pudding into 1cm sized cubes and fry or grill until crisp on all sides.
  4. Roughly tear the goats cheese into pieces about the same size as the pepper and black pudding.
  5. Dress the salad leaves in a tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil and a generous squeeze of lemon juice.

To Serve:
Arrange the leaves on a plate and top with the warm grains, black pudding, pepper and goats cheese. Finish with an optional drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil.

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