Chorizo and Black Pudding with Clams & White Beans | The Hairy Bikers

This recipe by Si King & Dave Myers, aka The Hairy Bikers, takes on a Spanish influence. Spicy chorizo sausage and black pudding both go really well with clams and other shellfish.


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This recipe by Si King & Dave Myers, aka The Hairy Bikers, takes on a Spanish influence. Spicy chorizo sausage and black pudding both go really well with clams and other shellfish. If you can’t get clams, mussels work just as well and are usually quite cheap.
Morcilla, if you didn't know already, is a Spanish version of black pudding.

Recipe Credit:


Chorizo and Black Pudding with Clams & White Beans | The Hairy Bikers



  1. Place a large flameproof casserole dish or a saucepan with a lid on the hob. Add the slices of chorizo and cook them on medium heat until the slices start to brown and the fat is coming out. Chorizo can burn quite easily so keep a close eye on it. Remove the chorizo from the pan and set it aside.
  2. Turn down the heat. Strain off most of the fat and reserve it, then add the wedges of onion. Fry them on medium heat for several minutes until they’re starting to colour, then add the garlic, paprika and thyme. Cook for another minute.
  3. Add the sherry and allow it to sizzle for a minute or so, then pour in the chicken stock. Add the tomatoes and beans and season with salt and pepper. Bring to the boil, then turn the heat down to a gentle simmer and cover the pan. Leave to cook for 20 minutes while you prepare the clams or mussels. Wash the clams in cold water. If using mussels, wash them well, pull off any beards and scrape off barnacles. For both clams and mussels, discard any that don’t close when sharply tapped.
  4. When the beans have finished simmering, put the chorizo back in the pan to warm through. Arrange all the clams or mussels on top, then cover the pan again and let them steam for 3–4 minutes. Meanwhile, heat some of the reserved chorizo fat in a frying pan and quickly fry the black pudding. Remove it from the pan and drain on some kitchen paper.
  5. Check that the clams or mussels have opened and discard any that haven’t. Sprinkle over the black pudding.

To Serve:
Garnish with lots of finely chopped parsley, if using, then serve at once.

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