Black Pudding and Apple Tarte Tatin | Létitia

We thought we'd take some inspiration from France, using Boudin Noir (Black Pudding) in this variation of a classic French dish Tarte Tatin.

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2 People


Club Summary

We thought we'd take some inspiration from France, using Boudin Noir in this variation of a classic French dish Tarte Tatin. This recipe is sourced from a French recipe blogger writing under the pseudonym "Piment Oiseau" or "Bird Pepper" in English, named after a well-known variety of chilli pepper.

Thank you Létitia.

Recipe Credit:


BlackPudding.Club Logo

Black Pudding and Apple Tarte Tatin | Létitia



  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C / 350F / Gas Mark 4.
  2. Peel the apple and cut it into 8 wedges. Melt the butter in a hot frying pan and brown the apple on both sides until softened, approx. 5 minutes. Sprinkle with caster sugar and let them caramelise for about 3 minutes. Set aside.
  3. Remove the skin from black pudding and mash it on a plate. Season if required (personal taste).
  4. Sprinkle the bottom of a baking dish with icing sugar. Arrange the apple slices on top and sprinkle over the sliced spring onions. Cover with the black pudding filling any gaps.
  5. Cover with the puff pastry, trimming any excess from the dish.
  6. Place in the oven and bake for 25 minutes.

To Serve:

Take a serving plate larger than your baking dish, place it on top of the dish, then quickly, carefully and turn it out pastry side down. Eat as is or with some fresh salad leaves.

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