
Grilled Black Pudding with Foie Gras, Apple & Vanilla Chutney
Black Pudding with Foie Gras is one of Andrew Pern's signature dishes at his Michelin star restaurant 'The Star Inn' on the edge of the North Yorkshire moors.
This recipe by André Garrett was published by to mark the occasion of 'The Glorious Twelfth' – the name given to 12 August, when the red grouse shooting season begins.
This Roast Woodpigeon recipe is similar in nature and ingredients to André's Roast Grouse dish. A different game bird and the subtle variations in recipe flavours also make it worthy of sharing.
James Martin recommends this peppery celeriac soup, topped with luxurious seafood and delicious black pudding for a great opening dinner party dish.
Chef Tom Kerridge's Ultimate Breakfast Omelette includes Black Pudding - it would not be the ultimate Omelette without it! The recipe can also be easily tweaked adding any of your favourite breakfast ingredients.
This recipe, by Emily Watkins, is a fabulous twist on one of our classic dishes. Using hot suet pastry, a slow-cooked aromatic sage & onion puree and served with homemade crackling this is a fantastic dinner party dish.
This is a recipe with an Irish influence created by Michelle of The aim of her blog is to share with you ideas for "simple, good food that everyone will enjoy".
Pork, Apple & Black Pudding - what's not to like? James Martin shares another classic combination, this time from his BBC show 'Food Map of Britain', showcasing Lincolnshire Pork.
This recipe of Chicken breast stuffed with black pudding and herb crumbs, wrapped in bacon, served with a chive sauce and veal jus, on a bed of creamy mash, is sourced from 'Fire' restaurant, in the heart of Dublin City centre.
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