
Beetroot Risotto with Black Pudding
This is one of our homemade recipes adding a black pudding twist to the well documented 'Beetroot Risotto with Goats Cheese' combination. Black pudding works well with both ingredients so is not out of place in this dish adding even more flavour and an additional texture.
Thomasina Miers suggests this really interesting twist on a ragu recipe. The use of hot smoked paprika, cinnamon and black pudding adds some great flavour to this tomato based classic.
A very simple lunchtime dish by cook and writer Nigel Slater. Rather than cooking a single larger omelette, Nigel has taken to cooking smaller snack size versions, with this black pudding frittata option just one of his suggested alternatives.
Chef Tom Kerridge's Scotch risotto uses pearl barley (the main ingredient of Scotch Broth) as its base which, like rice, takes on all the other flavours within the dish, adding a more robust body in so doing. He's combined this with another great Scottish ingredient, Stornoway Black Pudding.
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