Goats Cheese

Summer Green Salad with Crispy Black Pudding by Tess Ward
Tess Ward's aim is 'to help people get to grips with produce-led, colourful dishes'. This simple to prepare Summer Green Salad with Crispy Black Pudding is just one example of how to make a delicious dish with just a few quality ingredients.
This recipe sourced from The Bury Black Pudding Company was published after Black Pudding was listed as one of the 'superfoods' for 2016.
This is one of our homemade recipes adding a black pudding twist to the well documented 'Beetroot Risotto with Goats Cheese' combination. Black pudding works well with both ingredients so is not out of place in this dish adding even more flavour and an additional texture.
This is a recipe with an Irish influence created by Michelle of TheLastFoodBlog.com. The aim of her blog is to share with you ideas for "simple, good food that everyone will enjoy".
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