Kirsch-soaked Cherries with Black Pudding Krispies | Marcello Tully

Marcello Tully suggests what may sound like a strange combination, but sweet, Kirsch-soaked cherries make a wonderful foil to earthy black pudding.


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Chef Marcello Tully suggests what may sound like a strange combination, but sweet, Kirsch-soaked cherries make a wonderful foil to earthy black pudding. This black pudding canapé recipe produces 30-40 balls, so just adjust the quantities accordingly depending upon the numbers you are catering for.

Recipe Credit:


Kirsch-soaked Cherries with Black Pudding Krispies | Marcello Tully


  • Jar of Kirsch-cured Cherries, 1 cherry per canapé
  • 400g good quality Black Pudding
  • 2 Eggs
  • 20g Cornflour
  • 100g Flour, for coating
  • 300g of Rice Krispies, placed in a large bowl


  1. Drain the cherries thoroughly and use kitchen paper to absorb any excess liquor. Blitz the black pudding in a food processor, then add 1 egg and the cornflour and blitz again.
  2. Place a small amount of the black pudding mix in the palm of your hand and flatten out slightly. Place a cherry in the centre and lift the sides of the black pudding mix around the cherry to enclose, like you would do to make Scotch eggs. Repeat until all of the cherries are enclosed.
  3. Add the remaining egg to a bowl and whisk lightly to make an egg wash. Lightly coat the black pudding balls in the flour and shake off any excess.
  4. Dredge each ball in the egg 3-4 times to coat well, then place in the Rice Krispies bowl, shaking vigorously so the balls are well-coated.
  5. Deep-fry the balls at 180°C for 2-3 minutes, drain on kitchen paper.

To Serve:
Serve warm as part of your selection of canapés.

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